Privacybeleid VrijmetselaarswinkelWij zijn er van bewust dat u vertrouwen stelt in ons. Wij zien het dan ook als onze verantwoordelijkheid om uw privacy te beschermen.
Op deze pagina laten we u weten welke gegevens we verzamelen als u onze website gebruikt, waarom we deze gegevens verzamelen en hoe we hiermee uw gebruikservaring verbeteren.
Zo snapt u precies hoe wij werken.Dit privacybeleid is van toepassing op de diensten van U dient zich ervan bewust te zijn dat niet verantwoordelijk is voor het privacybeleid van andere sites en bronnen. Door gebruik te maken van deze website geeft u aan het privacy beleid te respecteert de privacy van alle gebruikers van haar site en draagt er zorg voor dat de persoonlijke informatie die u ons verschaft vertrouwelijk wordt behandeld.

Our use of collected data

Use of our services
When you register for one of our services, we ask you to provide personal data. This data is used to perform the service. The data is stored on our own secure servers or those of a third party. We will not combine this data with other personal data we have.

When you send e-mail or other messages to us, we may retain those communications. Sometimes we will ask you for your personal data relevant to the situation at hand. This makes it possible for us to process your questions and answer your requests. The data is stored on our own secure servers or those of a third party. We will not combine this data with other personal data we have.

We collect data for research purposes in order to better understand our customers and tailor our services accordingly.

This website uses "cookies" (text files placed on your computer) to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website may be transmitted to our own secure servers or those of third parties. We use this information to track how you use the website, to compile reports on website activity and to offer other services related to website activity and internet usage.

We do not collect or use information for purposes other than those described in this Privacy Policy unless we have obtained your prior consent.

Third parties
The information is not shared with third parties except for web applications that we use for our shop. This includes the WebwinkelKeur rating system. This information will only be used for the purpose of the application and will not be distributed. Furthermore, in some cases the information may be shared internally. Our employees are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your data.

This privacy statement is tailored to the use of and the possibilities on this site. Possible adjustments and/or changes to this site can lead to changes in this privacy declaration. It is therefore advisable to consult this privacy declaration regularly.

Choices for personal data
We offer all visitors the opportunity to view, change, or delete any personal information currently provided to us.

Adjusting/unsubscribing to newsletter service
At the bottom of each mailing you will find the option to change your data or to unsubscribe.

Modify/unsubscribe communication
If you want to change your data or remove yourself from our files, please contact us. See contact details below.

Disabling cookies
Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, but you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some features and services, on our and other websites, may not function properly if cookies are disabled in your browser.

Questions and feedback

We regularly check that we comply with this privacy policy. If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact our customer service. Contact page.