Dutch regalia
Dutch regalia are the set of ritual garments and decorations, from which the membership of a Masonic Lodge, the function within the lodge and the degree of initiation of a member can be read in the Netherlands. For a lodge official, this also includes the attributes worn on the body that go with his function. Dutch regalia are also the outward signs of the Dutch sovereign power of the monarch, king. Not to be confused with the royal or princely (prerogative) rights, the regalia, which in Latin are also called regalia.
Dutch regalia also refers to the signs that symbolise royal power and that are often handed over at the coronation. The terms regalia and crown jewels are often used interchangeably. Common regalia are:
Examples include the German Reich's apple and the Japanese Imperial sword.
The term is also often used for the badges used during ritual sessions in Freemasonry and the para-maçonnerie.