About Raphaël van den Poel
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Let's just say that we are proud Raphaël van den Poel already has 27 contributions to his/her name.
Articles by
On the Rules of Civility.
30 juni 2021 door Raphaël van den PoelThe origin of Gurkha trousers.
16 mei 2021 door Raphaël van den PoelThe monogram as the ultimate personal detail.
I don't know about you, of course, but I think monograms are simply beautiful. It is elegant, and one of the oldest forms of identification. The art of the monogram has a rich history and remains intriguing to me. A monogram is simply a symbol, made up of the letters that an individual or family [...]
Some rules of etiquette, and their origins....
Etiquette rules. I have not the slightest doubt that you know these 'rules' or the 'roots' that go with them, but a little background information is always nice. On the contrary, you, my readers here, who I know to hold even these basics in high esteem. The hows and whys, I try [...]
The remake of the legendary Jaguar D-Type Roadster
Jaguar Classic is restarting production of the iconic D-type racing car in Coventry, 62 years after the last example was built in 1956. The first Jaguar D-type to be assembled by Jaguar Classic, a technical prototype, will make its world debut at this week's Salon Retromobile show in Paris. Just 25 new examples of the D-Type will be meticulously [...]
Khaki versus Chinos. Do you know the difference?
Khakis came to the western world in the 1800s via the British Indian Army. At the time, the standard British soldier's uniform consisted of white trousers and a bright red, woollen coat. The uniform, which famously earned them the nickname 'red coats', signified power and prestige and successfully intimidated their enemies. When Britain turned its back on the [...]
About the signet ring.
Ah, the signet ring. Heavily discussed and criticised. Coat of arms or initials? Worn with class or ostentatious? And is it real or fake? For some it is just an accessory, but for others it is very meaningful. How come? Let's take a closer look at what the signet ring actually is. Traditionally, the signet ring was or is worn on the [...]
Scott. The iconic writer's bag reissued by France's Bleu De Chauffe.
Writing about a writer when you are not one yourself. Not so obvious. But hopefully we will all read a bit more. With these uncertain Corona times, we sit at home and inside more. And after watching Netflix all the way through, isn't a good book what everyone can enjoy? Well, a book is written by [...]
JFK. Presidential style icon.
It is undeniable that the charismatic John Fitzgerald Kennedy, or JFK, was one of the most handsome, and certainly best dressed, of all American Presidents. But much also has to do with his personal style. As an ex-alumni of both Princeton and Harvard, he was, evidently too, an adept of the well-known preppy Ivy-League style, which before [...]
- AASR Schotse Ritus
- Craft Degrees
- Cryptic
- Gentlemen
- High Degrees (Dutch)
- Knights Templar
- Knights Templar Priests
- Knights of Malta
- Le Droit Humain
- Mark Master Mason
- Order of the Secret Monitor
- Order of the Eastern Star
- Red Cross of Constantine
- Royal and Select Master
- Royal Arch
- Royal Ark Mariner
- Royal Order of Scotland
- Shriners
- The Widows Sons